Archive | November, 2013

The Feel-Good “Fuck You” Story of the Week

11 Nov

In Texas, a 24-year old white Republican has defeated an incumbent black Democrat in a local race for a seat on the board of the Houston Community College System by using racism – the racism of the voters.

A white Republican unseated a 24-year African-American incumbent from office in a surprise election victory that some are saying was racially tinged and deceptive.

Dave Wilson, who KHOU reports is an “anti-gay activist and former fringe candidate for mayor,” is being criticized by his opposition for his campaign that reportedly lead the overwhelmingly African-American, Democratic district to believe he was black.

Now how the hell are you going to convince black voters that you’re not white?  By relying on their sloth and stupidity, of course.  Like printing fliers with pictures of black folks with the caption, “Please vote for our friend and neighbor Dave Wilson.”  Or by drawing on endorsements from local black political leaders, like state Democratic representative Ron Wilson.

No, wait.  Ron Wilson is Dave’s cousin.

However, the fine print below the slogan states, “Ron Wilson and Dave Wilson are cousins,” a reference to Wilson’s non-politically affiliated cousin who lives in Iowa.

“He’s a nice cousin,” Wilson told KHOU, suppressing a laugh. “We played baseball in high school together. And he’s endorsed me.”

Now, was this sneaky and underhanded?  Yes.

Was it racist?  YES.  Because the only reason this kid won the election is because the overwhelmingly black Democrat voters who elected him thought he was black.  In other words, if they had known he’s white, he would have had no chance, for no other reason than that he’s white.

That’s why I love this story – it’s so fucking simple.  There are no political or economic issues to complicate the underlying truth:  for the vast majority of black voters, black skin is enough to secure your vote.  Reality, your own personal economic situation, foreign affairs… none of that honkey bullshit matters to your average black voter.  Take a look at the approval ratings of black voters from the most visible black man on the planet, Barack Obama:

According to a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released on Wednesday, only 78% of blacks now support Obama’s job performance, which is “down from 88 percent in June and 93 percent in April.”

The poll found Obama’s overall approval rating is at 45%, which is a “a 3-point drop from last month” and “one point off from his all-time presidential low that came in Aug. 2011.”

Blacks overwhelmingly supported Obama in 2008 and 2012, propelling him to the White House by giving him over 90% of their votes. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate in black communities rose to 13.7% in June while Obama has championed a comprehensive immigration reform bill that the Congressional Budget Office determined would devastate the wages of working class Americans.

Think about those numbers.  “Only” 78 percent of blacks support Obama.  Even after five years of his administration making things worse for blacks in particular, you can Always Bet On Black.  I bet if I asked 100 percent of Catholics their opinion of Mother Theresa at least 32% of them would say, “FUCK that bitch.”

Pay attention, GOP.  Until the American black community undergoes a major educational, cultural and attitudinal change towards whites in general, you will never secure meaningful amounts of their votes.  The change won’t come from outside, if it comes at all.  You keep preaching personal accountability, education and self reliance not because it will change minds, but because it’s the right thing to do.

Or maybe you could try calling them racists.  Seems to work for them.